House Automation
Learn about Automation Options For Your House
Introduction to House Automation
House Automation is all about creating a "Smart" Home which encompasses automated control of some or all of the various house functions including:
Power Outlets
Heating and Cooling;
Security and Access Control;
Curtains and Blinds;
Watering and Irrigation Control; and
Pet Access Systems.
House Automation offers a single platform to provide centralised control of everyday house functions including remote and scheduled control. Many household appliances such as air-con units, are able to be controlled through the use of interfacing devices. This platform provides the opportunity to lower power consumption and ongoing costs, through the intelligent scheduling of lighting, air-conditioning, blinds and curtains.

Automation Considerations
The following automation factors warrant consideration when contemplating Automation control inside your House:
Open Standards or Proprietary Systems;
Hub or Hub-less (Cloud based);
Smart Light Bulbs or Smart Lighting Modules;
Smart Sensor Placement;
Smart Access Control;
Smart Curtains and Blinds (and outdoor shutters);
Use and Role of Voice Assistants (e.g Siri and Alexa).
Please note there are pros and cons associated with each of the above. For example, the hub-less cloud offering would suit a small setup employing only a few sensors whereas a dedicated hub would be a better choice for larger installations.
However it's worth noting that if an object opens and closes, turns on and then off or goes up and down, there's a good chance that object can be automated.
Please note that more information may be found here.
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